
UV silicon detectors

My technology development work focuses on designing and testing silicon devices (CCDs and Electron Multiplying CCDs) for use in the UV. In particular, I have worked on anti-reflection coatings for use on delta-doped CCDs. Delta doping is a process developed at JPL which creates CCDs with around 30% UV response, due to the high reflectivity of silicon. My work in graduate school was to develop anti-reflection (AR) coatings at a range of wavelengths to improve throughput to above 50%. This work was so successful, we continued to develop more complex multi-layer coatings to achieve higher efficiencies. If you want to know more, I suggest a report I wrote for the Keck Institute of Space Studies (KISS) on Next Generation UV Technology: http://kiss.caltech.edu/techdev/uv/KISS_Report.pdf

The FIREBall-2 balloon telescope tested a delta-doped AR-coated EMCCD, which was able to photon count in the UV. This was a first for a silicon device in space.

In future efforts, Iā€™m interested in developing Skipper CCDs for astronomical use, both in the visible and ultraviolet. My goal is to develop nearly zero noise, high efficiency detectors for use in the UV.

For more info on the delta doping process, please visit the microdevices lab at JPL: https://microdevices.jpl.nasa.gov/capabilities/advanced-detectors/